Vina Brandulin

| 27 Febbraio 2016

[cml_media_alt id='5626']Brandulin[/cml_media_alt]The farm is located in an area with characteristic conditionsfor the making of great wines, in the centre of the Gorizia Hills. On 5 ha of vineyards, partly on Italian land, we mainly produce white wines. The terrain is hilly with an inclination of 25% to 40%. All vineyards are planted with grass without the use of herbicides and artificial fertilizers. The growth of the grapevines therefore calms down and builds up a resistance towards diseases and pests. The work in the vineyard is done by hand (winter pruning, green work in the summer and the harvesting). In such vineyards, the yield per hectare is lower and the quality of the grapes in ensured, as they stay on the vine until ripeness and are then harvested by hand. That is also reflected in our wines, which are full and abundant with minerals. The white wines we produce include White Pinot, Malvasia, white Brandulin (made from indigenous white grapes), but very important are also the indigenous types, those being Ribolla Gialla and Jordano. The only red wine is red Brandulin, which is made of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. It is bottled only after laying in a barrel for four years.

Nome dell’azienda agricola / Winery name / Nom du domaine: VINA BRANDULIN
Nome e cognome del responsabile / Owner’s name and surname / Nom et prénom du titulaire: Boris Kristančič
Ragione sociale / Legal name / Raison sociale: azienda agricola
Indirizzo / Address / Adresse: Plešivo 4
CAP / Area Code / Code postal: 5212
Città / Town / Ville: Dobrovo
Provincia / Other / Département: Brda
Regione / Region / Région: Brda
State (U.S. only): Slovenija
Paese / Country / Pays: Slovenia
Telefono / Phone / Telephone fixe: 00386 3042139
Cellulare / Mobile / Tel. portable: 00386 41561227
Email / Email / Adresse Mail:
Sito internet / Website / Site internet:

Altri dati

Certificazioni dell’azienda / Certifications / Certifications:
Associazioni a cui aderisce / Member of these associations / Adhérent a quelles associations:
Distributore per l’Italia / Italian distributor / Distributeurs pour l’Italie: Natives – Vini di terroir
Superficie della proprietà (ha) / Size of the property (ha) / Superficie du domaine (ha): 6.5
Superficie vitata (ha) / Size of the vineyards (ha) / Superficie viticole (ha): 5
Bottiglie annue prodotte / Bottles per year / Bouteilles annuelles produites: 12000
Vitigni impiantati / Grape varieties planted / Types de vignes plantées: Rebula,Tocai Friulano (Jordano), Beli Pinot (pinot bianco), Malvazija, Sivi Pinot (pinot grigio),
Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon
Metodo di lavorazione / Farming method / Mode de travail: Naturale / Natural / Naturel
Visite presso l’azienda / Winery visits / Visite au domaine: Sì, su prenotazione / Yes / Oui
Vendita diretta / Cellar door sales / Vente directe: Sì / Yes / Oui
Vendita diretta al pubblico di Live Wine / Direct sale to the public at Live Wine / Vente directe auprès du public de Live Wine: Sì / Yes / Oui

Vini presentati in fiera:


Category: 2016, Slovenia

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