Vina Tavčer Emil in Ken

| 2 Marzo 2016

[cml_media_alt id='6119']Emil-and-Ken[/cml_media_alt]The Village Kreplje is located at 300 meters above the sea level, on the limestone Karst Plateau, between the Gulf of Trieste and Vipava valley. My ancestors have been working with the viticulture and wine production in this part of the Karst for hundreds of years, which is still recorded in the plots and on preserved maps which are 100 years old of the area. I took over the farm Vlkovo in 1990. Today we have a total of 7000 plants of five varieties of grapes (Teran and Vitovska grganja (both are autochtonous), Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Malvasia), which cover about 2 hectares of land. This is as much as our family can manage according to the method and idea to produce quality wine grapes in the most natural way. When I took over the farm, philosophy of production remained the same; I just decided to increase the quality of wine so I reduced the production of grapes per unit (fewer grapes on each vine). The methods of production in the cellar are kept the same as they have been – the musts ferments in wooden vats and when pressed it matures in wine in oak barrels. I have added a bit of new knowledge to these traditional methods in recent years – I have began to produce orange white wines Vitovska and Malvasia out of very ripe grapes and with slightly extended maceration.

Nome dell’azienda agricola / Winery name / Nom du domaine: Vina Tavčer Emil in Ken
Nome e cognome del responsabile / Owner’s name and surname / Nom et prénom du titulaire: Emil Tavčar
Ragione sociale / Legal name / Raison sociale: Vina Tavčar Emil in Ken
Indirizzo / Address / Adresse: Kreplje 34
CAP / Area Code / Code postal: 6221
Città / Town / Ville: Dutovlje
Provincia / Other / Département: Sežana
Regione / Region / Région: Kras/Carso
State (U.S. only):
Paese / Country / Pays: Slovenia
Telefono / Phone / Telephone fixe: 0038641787674
Cellulare / Mobile / Tel. portable:
Email / Email / Adresse Mail:
Sito internet / Website / Site internet:

Altri dati

Certificazioni dell’azienda / Certifications / Certifications:
Associazioni a cui aderisce / Member of these associations / Adhérent a quelles associations:
Distributore per l’Italia / Italian distributor / Distributeurs pour l’Italie:
Superficie della proprietà (ha) / Size of the property (ha) / Superficie du domaine (ha): 8
Superficie vitata (ha) / Size of the vineyards (ha) / Superficie viticole (ha): 2
Bottiglie annue prodotte / Bottles per year / Bouteilles annuelles produites: 8000
Vitigni impiantati / Grape varieties planted / Types de vignes plantées: Teran, Vitovska Grganja, Malvazija, Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon
Metodo di lavorazione / Farming method / Mode de travail: Naturale / Natural / Naturel
Visite presso l’azienda / Winery visits / Visite au domaine: Sì, su prenotazione / Yes / Oui
Vendita diretta / Cellar door sales / Vente directe: Sì / Yes / Oui
Vendita diretta al pubblico di Live Wine / Direct sale to the public at Live Wine / Vente directe auprès du public de Live Wine: No / Non
Distributore per l’Italia / Italian distributor / Distributeur pour l’Italie: Stesso distributore / Same distributor / Même distributeur

Vini presentati in fiera:


Category: 2016, 2017, Slovenia

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